Photo of Michael


I'm a Software Engineer residing in Trondheim, Norway , who loves building meaningful applications.



I am currently most experienced in web development and prefer working full-stack where I can have a complete understanding of the whole project. My primary expertise lies in the React ecosystem, but I have also worked with Angular, Django and Spring Boot. In native development, I am particularly enthusiastic about React Native and I have used Jetpack Compose for Android development during my Bachelor's thesis. I also have experience accross major cloud platforms like AWS, Azure and GCP, but prefer using Virtual Private Servers where I have more control over the environment and the cost. I am always looking to improve my skills, and right now I am working on improving my algorithms programming and learning Rust. Additionally I am looking into getting better at graphics programming and shader programming.

What I have done so far

Work Experience.

My work


These are some on the noteable projects I have worked on. The rest can be found on my GitHub profile. Click to see them live or view the source code. It is interesting to see how my skills have improved over time for each project.

Lektr (WiP)

Lektr (WiP)

A learning platform for students and teachers. A place to share resources for university courses and collaborate. It is supposed to be a free alternative to similar solutions that encourages donating to GiveWell.



Tabline.wez is a versatile and easy to use tab-bar for the WezTerm terminal emulator, written in Lua. Tabline has an easy to use customisation and extensions API.

Sticos Reconciliation

Sticos Reconciliation

The reconciliation tool from Sticos manages reonciliation forms for wages, employer's national insurance contributions, holiday pay, value added tax, accruals, fixed assets, accrued expenses and more. I worked on the frontend creating automatic suggestions and automatically filling out fields to make the process faster.

New Hackerspace NTNU Website (WiP)

New Hackerspace NTNU Website (WiP)

The new hackerspace website is a complete rewrite of the old website. It is built with Next.js, tRPC, Tailwind, etc.. The goal is a code base that is easy to maintain and introduce beginners too. We integrate with many self-hosted services as well as external ones like Feide.

Open Emoji Platform

Open Emoji Platform

Open Emoji Platform is an app for finding emojis and a first draft of the eventual emojipedia app. It has built in emoji guessing games, user customizable emoji sequences, favorites, news, events and more.

Vector Globe

Vector Globe

Vector Globe is an interactive 3D globe made with geojson data to display vectors of country or continent borders. It is also possible to supply custom vector data.



A norwegian website for finding new travel destinations. With built-in reviews, cached weather data and interactive map.

Workout Planner

Workout Planner

A workout planner app made with JavaFX and Spring Boot. You can add exercices and sets, reorder exercices and save workouts on the backend.

Niclas Nordlund Photography

Niclas Nordlund Photography

A photography website that provides a convenient way for Niclas Nordlund to showcase his photos and connect with clients. It also provides a shop to sell photos from his extensive library.

WebGL Fluid Enhanced

WebGL Fluid Enhanced

WebGL Fluid Enhanced is a fluid simulation that runs in your browser. It is based on WebGL Fluid Simulation by Pavel Dobryakov. The simulation is enhanced with TypeScript, ES module support, custom colors, and a few other features.

Hackerspace NTNU Website

Hackerspace NTNU Website

Web application that drives an arena for students to 3D-print, borrow tools or get help to realise any creative ideas. Providing a reservation system, inventory management, news, events and more.

Chinese Checkers

Chinese Checkers

Chinese Checkers board game programmed with JavaFX. Features saving/loading the gamestate from .chc files, highlighting legal moves and enforcing legal moves.

What others say


Honestly, it's the nicest website I've seen and I mean it.....I don't know how to thank you!? I'll be back with some more feedback and some questions tomorrow, but as I said, I'm very impressed with what you've come up with 🙂 !

@ Niclas Nordlund

Freelance photographer at Niclas Nordlund Photography

Feedback by Niclas Nordlund

Currently aliasing ‘nano’ to ‘sudo rm -rf / —no-preserve-root’. Based.

@ Carl Johan Güzkow

Deputy Commander at Hackerspace NTNU, Co-Founder and Backend Developer at EI Solutions

Feedback by Carl Johan Güzkow

Michael quickly got up to speed with our Angular solution despite little prior experience. He's eager to learn and passionate about technology, which helps greatly when learning new things. A curious young man with a love for the craft and great potential to become a skilled developer.

@ Magnus Lianes

Senior IT Developer and Tech Lead at Sticos Reconciliation

Feedback by Magnus Lianes

Get in touch
